I also find hysterical they are pushing talon zips so hard. How about you pick a really nice decent leather? Once you have that sorted out then you can start worrying about your damn zips!
I mean there’s some legit reasons. Since the US stayed behind in Japan after WW2 there was a metric sh*t ton of leftover gear and clothing. It infiltrated the Japanese secondhand market and the leading reason why they have an obsession with vintage and repo American military style. You’d think...
I mean I can also totally 100% see this being true as well. I am also a big fan of saying goofball; I also love throwing out a good dyngus. Get a load of this dyngus.
Not to kick a dead horse here. I just find this……..interesting? Last week Master supply released a horse hide perfecto style jacket and their big claim is that it has Talon Zips. It’s a big push from them. So a couple things. This is certainly their best effort yet. Which at 577 why would you...
Parkhurst still available and I just got approved for some expensive medical stuff I have going on. Everything’s gotta go. Make me an offer and help me declutter and raise some cash.
Alright I had a price in my mind. But I just got approved for an expensive surgery out of town. Everything’s gotta go, and every little bit helps the cause. Make me an offer!
See this is what I was trying to say. Maybe I was a little mean in coming at you; but even after all this look at the group still encouraging you to post, giving advice and welcoming you. You might get some crap from a user or two. You might feel insecure about a choice. But I guarantee you...
Weekend bump on the Parkhurts. Willing to negotiate on them. My wife really wants them gone! Hey so would I, cash is nice. But we’re going into some spring housework and she will be cranky if they aren’t gone soon. Help a friend out!
Just when I thought I was out they pull me back in!!!
One last essay I didn’t want to write then I’m really done. @Peacoat nothing below uses foul language or insults anyone. So I hope this doesn’t derail things again. If it does I accept that. The mods and admins jobs are a thankless one...
You missed out when I first started coming around here several years ago there seemed to be tons of Cals. I myself owned 3 at one point. And they went for a lot cheaper. But it seems the world caught on to how fantastic they are and snatched them all up or they go for way higher prices. Having...
Seems to be the consensus from everyone. When they have a pattern to copy it works out pretty great. If they are making customs or anything is left to chance it’s a crapshoot.
I don’t want to crap on 5 Star. They do make affordable products and some are decent. But I wouldn’t hold your breath about them understanding angles haha. If you’re going custom you have to provide every single measurement you could possibly imagine and dial it in within like .01cms. I wish...
I forgot to mention and anyone who’s done a deal with me can vouch; I try to be super helpful with shipping costs. These are big and heavy so shipping won’t necessarily be cheap even within the continental US where I’m located. But I’ll do my best, I’ve often split shipping costs or knocked...
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