It's the Hasidic Jews that wear the black hats, but not all of them.
Been a long time since I logged in here. Looking at some of my old posts, one was the kitchen sink. It's still there, we're keeping it. My suits don't fit anymore, and going downtown Seattle is dangerous.
Found more stamps on the underside of both bowls. Couldn't get a clear enough picture for the other stamp on the left bowl, but the right bowl had the manufacturers name (American Radiator & Standard Sanitary Corporation Louisville) and model number (72X25 HOSTESS).
And here it is! 9-15-49! Big bold stamp underneath the left bowl towards the front. Thank you very much! Any idea what the 9-10 is underneath the manufacture date?
The faucet is new, just installed a couple weeks ago. We would have preferred getting something that was styled after the period, but we weren't in the mood for shopping since the old one was leaking and unusable.
Getting ready to do a kitchen remodel. I wanted to swap out for a stainless steel sink because the white porcelain sink is hard to keep clean because it's white. Only method that works well is using bleach a few times a week.
My wife said unless it could be sold for enough to pay for the...
I really only have a couple of clothing articles that are "vintage inspired". I have an Akubra casual fedora which I wear regularly. The other is a custom tailored shirt that my then fiancé, now wife gave me for my birthday last year. I wore it for only the second time when we got married in...
I couldn't find the black skirt, but of the others I only found one with a label. It appears that it may be British, which makes sense because my wife's parents were British.
Wife and I were going through some stuff in her attic and found these vintage women's clothing. I only recognize the black skirt as looking like it's from the 50s, the rest she only knows who they belonged too, a great-great aunt, which would date them to possibly the early 1900s since we're...
I appreciate your input as an experienced remodeler, especially of period bathrooms. Our plans aren't set in stone (pardon the pun) yet. The only thing certain is it's going to get gutted and redone, it's long overdue. Are these the toilets you were referring to?
You guys are like me, fantasizing about what's inside that space (about 30"X30"X 95"), except I fantasize about a stash of bootleggers loot or valuable artifacts like this guy found inside the wall of his 1938 house:
Most likely is it was a flue for a pot-belly...
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