I am a user of cast iron, not a collector. I have several pieces (6 or 8) that are my regularly used cookware. I buy what I like, usually in somewhat rough condition, and restore it myself. I like the idea of using something that has served so well for so many decades.
My most recent and probably final piece
is this Griswold #12 from sometime before 1929. I waited years for this pan to come along. I paid more for it by far than any of my others, but still a small fraction of eBay prices.
I find some people have a strange relationship with cast iron. Many own some and don't know what to do with it. I have offended some people by refusing to buy/take their pans, even after explaining that I am not a collector and don't want to start. I have offered to restore the pans for some at no charge so they might be able to use and enjoy them. I have had few takers. Some are emotionally attached to grandma's pan, but are intimidated by it at the same time.
Who else cooks with pans far older than they are?
My most recent and probably final piece

I find some people have a strange relationship with cast iron. Many own some and don't know what to do with it. I have offended some people by refusing to buy/take their pans, even after explaining that I am not a collector and don't want to start. I have offered to restore the pans for some at no charge so they might be able to use and enjoy them. I have had few takers. Some are emotionally attached to grandma's pan, but are intimidated by it at the same time.
Who else cooks with pans far older than they are?